In The Company of Stalwart Men

In The Company of Stalwart Men
HOPE: Rise Up, Recover All
November 4-6, 2021 | Dallas
Today’s world doesn’t need a few nice guys in the church. The world needs men with resolve who refuse to back down. Men with a sword. Men who are STRONG! Brothers who have each other's back.

Today’s world needs men who are NOT hiding from their God-given calling.

Men like you. 

Join us in Dallas. Be inspired in the company of stalwart men. Men who need your arm linked in theirs. Men you know you need to be with. 

Last week Jesse told me, "It's hard to explain to someone who hasn't been to the Lions Roar Summit how deeply life-changing it is. Everything in my life is better - my work, my marriage, my friendships - just better by what happened to me."

This year’s Global Men’s Summit will provoke, stretch, enlarge and deepen our lives. You'll be in the room with some of the most uniquely qualified leaders and speakers who will inspire, instruct and engage us to be in the world and reach the world – until we reach every street and every heart.  
Your family, church, and community need you...a man who is overflowing with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit!

Over half the seats are taken. Get your registration in now.

Go to and reserve your spot before it's too late.

May the Lord bless you and keep you in the center of the battle.